Why Manchester City is also Defeating Manchester United on Roblox ⚽🏙️
Fortune favors the bold, and Roblox is no exception to that old saying. 💡
🎮 Manchester City decided to build a fan base on Roblox, knowing that kids choose their lifelong football teams between the ages of 8 and 12. What better space than Roblox to capture the attention of this target audience?
📈 They launched their Man City Blue Moon experience on Roblox in 2022 and have been collecting data from their customers on the platform since. Their latest update was in July 2024, and they have accumulated 10.2 million visits to the game.
🚀 Manchester United just announced their new kit launch inside the platform last week. Props to them, but they’ve been missing out on the data that Man City has been collecting for over two years now. Additionally, Manchester United has yet to build their own experience.
🔍They activated their launch inside Adidas' experience, the Adidas Outfit Creator, so most of the data will be owned by Roblox and Adidas, making it harder for Manchester United to access that information.
🏆 As we’ve seen recently in the Premier League, Manchester City continues to outperform their rival in the metaverse, particularly on Roblox. The advantage they have in terms of community, data, and 3D space gives them an edge that will take years and significant investment for Manchester United to balance.
⏳✨ The moral of the story? Don’t wait too long to bring your brand to Roblox. It’s never too late to start, but every day you delay is one day of valuable information you’re losing.